A few files are free to view: * denotes.
Accounts & Inventories: One on this site so far. CKS has more.
Apprenticeships: Summaries of five indentures and a list of other apprenticeships which are mentioned in the Parish Books
Bodiam: Folder for material on Bodiam: St Giles Burial Register Index and summaries of deeds relating to Goodgrooms/Kitchenham. See sample of G/K* file.
Bodiam Mill: A list of owners and occupiers, together with a picture of the mill most likely taken before the First World War. More detailed information, which may be of interest to people with family connections to the mill, or with an interest in nonconformity in the area, can be found in the Mill History.
CKS 1: Some summaries of documents at CKS.
CKS 2: List of Sandhurst documents at CKS, noted in 2000.
Deeds: Summaries of property deeds, including a bundle relating to various properties in Sandhurst, which was at the vicarage until 2001, Boxhurst, Ringle Crouch & Green Farm, & Silverden. There are also a few stray deeds from elsewhere including from Goudhurst, Kenardington Rolvenden & Tenterden. This link leads to an introduction.
Dunn: Summaries of early deeds relating to the Fowle family & Betherinden Manor.
Emigration: is included within the 'Parish Papers' file.
Glossary: of uncommon words and expressions in the transcriptions.
Hasted*: Transcript of his Sandhurst entry.
Help!*: A list of things which would be very useful to current research and the development of this site.
Land: Sandhurst is fortunate in having two general guides to land ownership/tenancy, and field names and areas done before the Tithe Awards of 1838. There is an auction schedule and map from 1819, and a survey of the whole parish done by T. Gibson in 1826. Other maps exist, and details should become available within these files. Main details from the Tithe Map Schedule are combined with T Gibson's Survey into a set of tables which should be readable with a copy of the Sandhurst Tithe Map (obtainable from CKS on CD for ᆪ15).
Links*: To sources for Sandhurst noticed on the web.
Militia: The lists for 1826 and 1827, together with related papers.
Manorial documents for Sandhurst are virtually non-existent. There is nothing for Betherinden, and only a few oddments for Orlinden/Kassingham. Parts of the village were owned by distant manors, including those of the Archbishop, but this subject awaits attention here.
Parish books: Full transcript of Malthouse Charity book. Substantial transcripts of the Churchwardens & Vestry books. Select Vestry books and Overseers books in progress. List of those parish books acquired by CKS in 2000 and their contents summarised. For a window on village life see 'ARTICLES of the SOCIETY for Bringing to Justice and Prosecuting Thieves &c.'. Some entries from the Poor-Rate and Select Vestry books. Samples: Churchwardens* Malthouse* Select Vestry* Overseers 1641-*
Overseers Nov 1775* Names 1692-1735* Names June 1759 - March 1774*
Parish Papers: Emigration; Tithes Dispute; Labour Rates; Notes; Letters.
Pinyon: John Pinyon's Diary is now on site, together with some other related material. This folder contains a transcript of the Diary 1827 - 1859, also some transcripts, summaries and commentary relating to Pinyons in Sandhurst and Northiam. Many features of interest including a daily comment on the weather, notes on events and speakers at Sandhurst Baptist Church, extra information on emigration, interactions with friends, neighbours & business contacts, music-making, surveying and the Turnpike roads. Material from JP's Account book & Employees book has been added. Transcript of a letter to John Humphrey - recently emigrated. See Pinyon Notes* & Pinyon Links* for more information.
Rectors: A list of incumbents at St Nicholas.
Registers: Includes links to transcripts of the Sandhurst St. Nicholas Registers 1560 - 1840, Sandhurst Baptist Church registers 1785-1837, the Wesleyan Staplecross & Sandhurst Circuit register 1815-1837, and the Bodiam St. Giles Burial Registers.
Sandhurst Baptist Church: Transcripts of Registers of Births & Burials 1785 - 1837. Related material, including Lists of Members, the Minute Book 1761-1851, Chronology & Oddments, a few summaries of Wills and a list of reference books. Some sample pages from the Accounts 1793-1853 have also been transcribed.
Shops: The Smithy; Munns.
Taxation: Selbrittenden Hearth Tax 1664; Selbrittenden Assessment 1775-6. See also under Parish Books: Vestry; Select Vestry; Overseers.
Updates & Additions* lists material added or modified since 22 Sep 03.
Wesleyan: Partial transcript of the Baptismal Registers of the Staplecross Circuit Aug 1815 - 1816 & Sandhurst Circuit 1816 - 1837; includes all events for Sandhurst, Benenden & Newenden.
Wills: The Wills page leads to a table of Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury wills held at the CKS, also to a few summaries done mainly for private interest. More summaries will be added over the next few months, particularly within the Sandhurst Baptists page, but nothing comprehensive is intended. A set of summaries of PRC wills for Sandhurst and some neighbouring villages done by Jules DeLaunay is available on microfiche at the CKS. Wills on microfilm can usually be accessed via public libraries and via the CJCLDS. Copies of PCC wills, 1384-1858, are now available online from the PRO at
Bear in mind that this is not a 'History of Sandhurst' and notes within the summaries reflect only the writer’s own interest in the material.
Enquiries will not be redirected to the owners of material in private hands, and no information about private owners will be given.
No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or completeness of any summary or transcript. The material is presented in order to indicate what may be helpful to your own research, and to show something of the range of evidence available for the locality. Except for a few images, all the material on this site is at best 'secondary' and therefore unreliable to some degree. Where possible, use it as reference for what might be of interest to you, and check it via direct copy/film/fiche/&c of the original material. The site is in no way comprehensive, but the contents should continue to expand as time and finances permit.
Additional information, material, references, corrections & so on will be welcome.
All material on this site is Copyright © John Dines 2000-2018, unless otherwise stated. Files are not for distribution in any form and are for your personal use and enjoyment only.