Churchwardens Samples
Then paid unto Stephen Ginner for 33C of
Shingleing at 10s p M ye sum of 01 - 13 - 00
It for 13C of Beatting(?) work at 18d p C 00 - 19 - 06
It paid Stephen Ginner for 12 dayes work &
A1/2 for Jo: Fawkner at 18d p die ye sum of 00 - 18 - 09
It paid him 5 dayes for his son at 10d p die 00 - 04 - 02
It: to him selfe for Seaven daies at 2s p die 00 - 14 - 00
It: his man two daies at 20d p die ye sum 00 - 03 - 04
it: for Makeing of A new wheele & Trussing 0020 3-7
of two Bells ye sum of 00 - 16 - 08
23 It: then paid unto William Cooke for
two Tunn & Twenty & nine foott of Timber
at 15 Shilings the Tonn ye sum of 02 - 00 - 06
It: for expences in going to Canterbury 00 - 15 - 00
August - 22th
It: then paid Stephen Ginner for Laying
of Two Thousand Two Hundred of Shingles
at 10s p M ye sum of 01 - 02 - 00
It: then paid him for One Daies work for
him & his Boy 00 - 02 - 10
26 It: then paid unto John Frylands for eight
Scafold polles at 4d p polle 00 - 02 - 08
It: for Carrying the said polles to the
Church the sum of 00 - 01 - 00
1676 -
It paid to Tho: Burgis for putting in 119 panes
of new glas 0 - 09 - 11
for Repayering of 24 foot owld glas at 2d a foot 0 - 4 - 0
more for new leading 3 foot of owld glas at 2d a foot 0 - 0 - 9
It paid for destroying of verment 0 - 7 - 6
... William Moore ... for his yeares
wages and hee is to have the owld bell ropes 1 - 2 - 0
... William Moore for washing the
Church Linnen 0 - 2 - 4
It paid to Mr Drewery for writing the Bill
of Register at Easter and michaelmas 0 - 1 - 0
It paid for mowing the weeds in the Churchyard 0 - 1 - 0
It paid to Richard Foster Constable gaol ...
maimed Souldiers ... 1676 1 - 18 - 6
It Relieved psons seamen and travellers by John
Russell in the whole yeare as appereth by his bill 01 - 3 - 3
It paid to the parritor for bringing of the prochy
mation for the fast for the King martardum 0 - 7 - 6
It Relieved parsons seamen and travellers by
will hamon in the whole yeare as appereth by
his bill 0 - 10 - 0
It for writing of the two sesse boockes
and entering of the two Sesses in the Register
and this Accompt 0 - 5 - 0
It allowance is craved in the land sesse 0 - 2 - 9
... Indebted ... 2 - 18 - 9
Examined ... 4th of January 1676
Walter Drury
Andrew Ward
John Watts John Petter
John Ward Thomas Norley
Richard Wells(?)
The names of the Officers chosen for this psent yeare
John Pellat Thomas Cruttenden } Churchwardens
William Ward John Russell } Overseers
David Curd Roger Stonham } Surveighers
The Accompt of John Stockwood And William
Woods Churchwardens of ye pish of Sandherst for the
yeare .1691. Laid out at ye Visitatin 01 - 02 = 06
It for ye Register & ye Churchwardens oaths 00 - 02 - 04
It pd to Mr Plumers Huntsman for An otters head 00 - 02 - 04
It pd to Wm(?) Cisley for Killing 29 Rooks & Crows 00 - 00 - 07
It pd. to Wm Boorne for Mowing ye Church yard 00 - 01 - 00
It pd. for Bread & Wine for ye Communion 0023 4-6
At Whitsontide Christmas And Ester 00 = 13 = 11
It pd. to ye Sumner for Carrying in of the
psentmts And Register At(?) ye Visitation 00 = 05 = 00
It pd. More to ye Sumner for two Books 00 = 02 = 00
It pd: for Goale Money House of Correction
And Marshalsey & for Mained Souldiers And
Marriners for ye Sd. yeare 02 = 00 = 00
It Given to Seamen And other Passengers with
passes 00 = 15 = 06
It pd. to Will Moore for his Wages for
ye yeare Ending At Ester & for Washing of the
Surples & other Church Linen 02 - 04 - 04
It pd. To Thomas Allibon for Repaiering of
ye Glass At ye Church 00 = 02 = 10
It: for worke At ye Church As Apeareth by his bill
dune by Edward pearce 00 = 03 = 06
It pd. To Thomas Taylor for worke A mending
The Church Railes & Gate 00 = 04 = 00
It pd. for Entering this Accompt in ye Bookes