Extract from the Account of the Overseers of the Poor, 1699:
To Anthony Neeves for jm Keeping Elizabeth Coock due march 25th 0-10-00
paid to widd: Black jm [one month]Releife 0-3-0
To widd Boorne jm Releife 0-6-0
To Mat: Stephens for jm Releif 0-6-0
To Tho Norton jm Releife 0-7-0
To Anthone
To Phillip Howard 4w keeping of Joane Patience Boy 0-6-0
To Isack Venas For 16 week Keeping Ann Underdown 1-04-00
To Isack Venase jw Kep: Under[down?] 0-1-06
For A paire of Shooes for Joane Patience Bastard Chd 0-02-00
To widd Tester for widd Boorne Rent due at Ladyday 0-17-06
For entering this pte of the Accompt 0-02-00
It Mris Vousden pd Tho: Taylor for Keeping Collinses bast: Child five weeks & one halfe Ending Ester munday 1700 00-05-00
Mary Collens Charge Since ber[her?]being with Child of a Bastard
January 29-
paid to Neeves wife for makeing Mary Collens 2 Changes 0-1-6
feb 23
paid Tho: Taylor For Kep And Lodging & nursing of Mary Colens jm in her Lying in of her Bastard Child 1-08-00
And paid him for Boord & mending her Bedstedle 0-3-6
And pd him For Clensing her Fit to Cum in his house & seting midwife & other Tendance 0-2-00
feb: 29
To Mary Collens jw Releif 0-1-6
march 5
To Mary Collens jw Releif 0-1-6
To Will: Ware for moveing her Stuff from Tho Taylors 0-0-3
To Will Worsley for one weeks quarters for Mary Collens 0-2-0
To Mris Fowle midwife For Mary Collens Bastard 0-2-6
To John Tutts wife To Redeem Mary Collens Cloth in pawn 0-2-0
It pd To Samll Tolherst for Nortons yeres Rent due at or Lady day 00-15-00
It pd To Will Dunnings for John Merritts Lady Days Rent 00-10-00
It pd To Jno Taylor for the widd Blacks Lady Days Rent 00-05-00
It pd To Geo Burish for one yeare & A halfes Rent for William Underdown due At or Lady Day 1700 1-10-00